Photographed by: Jenny A.

Meet Brianna

Brianna Pedatella has a passion for modeling and playing ice hockey! From the ice rink to the runway, Brianna strives to bring ice hockey and the fashion world together. Brianna has been playing ice hockey since she was 8 years old! She loves hanging out on the ice rink and considers it her second home. One of her biggest accomplishments was winning the ice hockey State Championship and going to Nationals.

Brianna’s dream is to become a top model for Victoria Secret. While she usually doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, she always carries around a ChapStick! She loves photography and collects Ray-Ban & Clubmaster sunglasses. If she could be a fruit or vegetable she would be a red apple because it is bright like her personality!

Brianna walked the runway at New York Fashion Week’s Couture Fashion Week showcasing the spring 2017 collection.

You can follow her on Instagram: brianna.pedatella


-Jenny A.