My Interview with International UK Model Sophie Levine

Sophie Levine modeling for Andres Aquino. Photographed by: Lionel Madiou

Jenny A. (Me): Do you have a favorite supermodel that you look up to?

Sophie Levine: Tyra Banks. She has an incredible look and she’s dynamic! She’s soft in photo-shoots and then fierce on the runway.

Me: If there was one designer you could model for, anyone in the world, who would it be?

Sophie Levine: Dolce & Gabbana or Louis Vuitton.

Me: When you’re not dressed in high end designer fashion, what are you normally wearing? What is your style?

Sophie Levine: A leather jacket, punk rock shirt, and leggings or denim trousers. I have a rock ‘n’ roll look.

Me: Do you wear makeup on the daily?

Sophie Levine: I don’t wear too much but when I do, I’ll wear eyeliner, mascara and occasionally lipstick.

Me: What are you favorite makeup brands?

Bobby Brown (top) + M.A.C

Photographed by: Jerry Levine

Me: What are your hobbies? Please explain.

Sophie Levine: I play lacrosse, tennis, netball and I love horseback riding. I’m very sporty. I have 2 horses and I love cross country jumping. My mom was a show jumper and now I’m a show jumper. I ride both Western & English.

Me:  Are you adventurous? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done that you’re willing to have posted on my blog?

Sophie Levine: I’m not really adventurous although I did go to the Cannes without speaking a word of French. I loved it!

Me: If you could be a fruit or vegetable, what fruit or vegetable would you be? And why?

Sophie Levine: Celery because it’s long, slim and incredibly tough.

I’m tough.

I won’t show when I’m hurt and won’t cry in front of people. I still got a goal when I injured my pinky during my netball game.

I went to America for a lacrosse game. I was hit on the head 5 times and the last time I got hit, I put my finger in the air and said “I’m good”. I’m surprised I didn’t get a concussion! Now I understand why girls wear goggles. In England, you don’t have to wear them.

I’m also protective. If I see a girl walking on her own and a guy is following, I’ll walk with the girl to make sure she’s okay. I’m very anti-violent.  I always try to stop fights and sort them out.

Photographed by: David McGirr 

Me: What is something that people don’t know about you that you are willing to share?

Sophie Levine: People think I am a confident person. But if I meet a cute guy, I get very nervous.

Me: What are your goals and dreams?

Sophie Levine: To become an actor and a model – I want to do film. I’ve done theater and a few student films. I would love to do an old time war… maybe with swords! Did you know that I can sword fight? I actually started out fencing.

You can follow Sophie on Instagram : levine.sophie

-Jenny A.